The Badger Creek Ranch Community offers opportunities to nourish both your body and soul by supplying healthy meats, raised locally, and by offering connections to the land where your food is produced. As a community, we appreciate what food means to health, well-being, family, community, culture, and pleasure.
The Badger Creek Ranch Community gives back by raising funds to donate the ranch's grass-fed and grass-finished beef to the food insecure.

When you buy Badger Creek Ranch meats, you are joining a community of consumers whose purchasing power ensures that their food is produced by responsibly-managed land stewards. Badger Creek Ranch meats carry the “Grazed on Audubon Certified Bird Friendly Land” label, which guarantees that the ranch's cattle are improving the health of open grasslands, creating bird-friendly habitat for endangered bird species and other wildlife, and helping to store and purify surface waters.
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Badger Creek Ranch Community also offers opportunities to nourish the whole person through personal growth programs and retreats that are based on the natural connection between people and nature.
Badger Creek Ranch Community along with partners such as The Quivira Coalition and Guidestone Colorado, has sponsored many retreats and workshops at Badger Creek Ranch, including Land Health Workshops, Women’s Retreats, Open Gates and Family Days at the Ranch.
To learn more about the retreats we’re holding visit our Events page. If you’re interested in hosting a retreat or workshop email us.
Badger Creek Ranch is broadening its efforts beyond raising meat and eggs by expanding its vegetable garden, which currently supplies to ranch guests and the community, so that it makes donations to local food banks.
In keeping with the ranch's values and commitment to quality, all ranch produce is grown without chemicals, tilling, or the use of a tractor, and is grown from as many seeds as we can find from Colorado's acclimated varieties.
Achievements in 2023:
We hosted two personal growth retreats - a Shadow Work retreat for men and women and a Women’s Journey retreat for women.
Goals for 2024:
We plan to expand our garden and cattle production to share healthy foods in support of our community. We will host more personal growth retreats.